
01 August 2016

Personal Post and Life Update - Good News for a Change!

Being the private person that I am, I don't post a lot of personal posts. That and the fact that you are reading my blog because you want to read a beauty and travel blog, not my diary. But sometimes I feel like I need to let people know what's going on. Last year was a shit year, to put it mildly, and 2016 hasn't been the greatest year so far for many people. That being said, today I have some good news for a change and I hope you will forgive the non-beautiness of today's post. I do suppose you can classify this as somewhat of a travel post...

The husband and I bought our very first home and we received the keys in our hands last Tuesday. We were packing, cleaning, painting, and moving all of last week, and I still can't believe we are home owners! I have been sitting on this news for weeks, but I didn't want to tell the whole world until I knew that it was official. These past few weeks have been so stressful with work and my PhD thesis nearing its end and buying the house and packing and making arrangements. As a person who doesn't like change I'm a bit apprehensive, but also incredibly excited to have my OWN house. The house is in the same suburb as where we rented for the past four years, so my route to work is staying the same! I think that has helped quite a lot in this transition period.

I wish I could show you the house, but, this is not that kind of blog either (there is always Twitter, Instagram (@hildegarde_k), and Snapchat (suzyq-tip)). We have a gigantic backyard with grass and trees and the thing I'm looking forward to most is sitting on the porch drinking my morning coffee and looking out over our garden.

Until next time!


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