
22 December 2014

Christmas Post: Goodbye to 2014

This post marks the last blogpost for Suzy Q-tip for 2014. I will be back in January with fresh content and maybe a little giveaway as well… 

This year has been incredibly difficult, as well as rewarding. In my personal and work life I have learned many lessons, such as that there are many good people in the world, but that there are also many people who have hidden agendas. I have met some wonderful people this past year, especially my social media followers and my blogger friends *waves*, and for them I am truly grateful.

The husband and I are in Cape Town as you read this, and I'm looking forward to some sunshine and wine in between the thesis writing. We are with my mom for Christmas this year and I look forward to spending Christmas Eve with my siblings and eating a delicious Christmas lunch on Christmas day!

I feel that 2015 is going to be a big year for me as well as for Suzy Q-tip. I celebrate my birthday on 1 February (the big 30, eeeeek!) and a few days later, Suzy Q-tip's first birthday. You can look forward to lots of reviews and hauls, and also a birthday giveaway!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy festive season. For those of you who celebrate Christmas: merry Christmas! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog on a regular basis, as well as those who sometimes pass by. Thank you to all my followers across all platforms: without you the blog would have just been another random webpage. THANK YOU!

Until next time!


* Photo courtesy of Pixabay and Fincayra0204


  1. *Waves back* Have a lovely holiday and a fab Christmas! Xxx

  2. Happy Holidays to you and enjoy the rest of your stay in Cape Town. I am so happy I got to meet you in person XXX

    1. Thank you Charlene! Merry Chrismas to you too! It was lovely meeting you, you're a stunning lady! Xxx
